what we believe

A question Christians often are asked is: "What do you believe?"

Our beliefs can be summarized simply:

God is real.

God has revealed Himself in Jesus.

The Bible is God’s word.

God is still moving today.

God ought to be the most important thing in every person’s life.

These beliefs can be described as orthodox, Protestant, and Pentecostal.

  • By orthodox, we mean that we affirm the historic declarations of the Christian faith: specifically the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.

  • By Protestant, we mean that we believe the Bible is trustworthy and we believe that faith requires personal commitment – no one is born a Christian.

  • By Pentecostal, we mean that we believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit includes miracles, and this is an important part of the life of the church. We’re sponsored by the Assemblies of God, the world’s largest Pentecostal denomination (although we welcome students from all backgrounds).


We sum it up with The 3 D’s…

Deep Friends

Friendship takes effort, but it's worth the investment. To grow in our faith, we need each other. As we grow in our relationship with God, our friendships  go deeper as we learn to love, forgive, challenge and support each other.

Devoted Disciples

In John 15, Jesus tells his disciples that unless they abide (or remain) in him, they can do nothing. We take that seriously. Our goal is not just to know what God's word says but to put it into practice in our daily lives as well.

Deliberate Servants

Jesus said when we serve the poor, the hungry and the oppressed, we are really serving Him. Together, we're learning to love our neighbor no matter who that may be. When we serve, we show who Jesus is to those who've never heard.