Meet our staff


Tyler staton

Raleigh Chi Alpha Director

I’ve been full-time with Chi Alpha full-time for more than ten years - first at Arizona State University, then at the University of Virginia and now at NC State.

I graduated from Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, TX and married my wife, Paige in 2005. We have four awesome boys and love doing ministry together.

I love drinking coffee, spending time with my family and exploring new places.

Paige Staton

Chi Alpha Staff

I love working with college students and am so thankful I get to do this for a job. I graduated in 2005 from SAGU in Waxahachie, TX and was ordained with the Assemblies of God in 2016.

I’m currently pursuing my master’s degree at Gordon Conwell Theological University and spend lots of time with my four amazing sons.

For fun, I love reading as many books as possible, traveling, diy home projects and spending time in my garden.

Devonte’ Porter

Chi Alpha Staff

Hey, welcome to Chi Alpha! I’ve been a part of the team, full-time, since fall 2018. Before I moved here from Memphis, TN, I was deeply involved with Chi Alpha at the University of Memphis (Go Tigers!) during all 5 of my years as an undergrad. After answering a call from God towards pursuing campus missions as a career and graduating in the area of Youth Services (w/ Psychology minor), I landed here in Raleigh to serve with NC State XA as an intern for a year and have stayed around ever since.

I enjoy watching and playing sports, music, adventuring around anywhere, and pretty much anything that gets me out of the house.


Tatton Cameron

Chi Alpha Staff

My name is Tatton Cameron, and I look forward to serving you on staff this year! Just to tell you a little bit about myself, I graduated with a software engineering degree from Kennesaw State University in Georgia.  I've been a part of Chi Alpha for the last 4 years, and have loved every minute of it.  After I graduated, I decided I still wanted to be a part of it.  I can't wait to see what God does through this year and beyond!

My favorite things to do, besides serving God, is watching movies, football, and Esports.  I also love to play video games, bowling, and tabletop games.  You can also catch me reading a book sometimes.  I can't wait to meet you!

Toby Amodeo

Chi Alpha Staff

Hello! I'm Rev. Toby Amodeo. I've served with Chi Alpha for 8 years, both here at NC State and also at Georgetown University. My wife, Stacey, and I just moved back to Raleigh. I can't wait to see what God does this year!


I lead our international student ministry and our recovery groups. I love helping people discover the worldview of the Bible.


I spend my time cooking and eating great food, playing cricket, making coffee, and getting outside with my wife.

Lydia Huggins
