summer giving project

In just three short weeks more almost 40,000 students will flood onto the NC State campus - many of them will be looking for community and meaning. Chi Alpha exists to provide a place for Christian community on the campus.

Here’s where you come in!

We need to raise $5,000 to fund our Fall Start-up events and to provide scholarships for students to attend Fall Retreat.

How would we spend $5,000?

  • welcome gifts for new students (200 water bottles $400)

  • monthly Common Table International dinners ($100 each)

  • student scholarships for Fall Retreat ($50/student)

  • welcome events (broom ball $400, something in a mug $500)

  • bi weekly prayer nights with meals ($100 each)

  • t-shirts for leaders ($300)

  • Lifegroup curriculum ($200)

  • bike giveaway for international students ($200)

  • weekly tabling outreach ($50)